William Paul's Blog

downloadA successful businessman was growing old and now it was time to choose a successor to take over the business. Instead of choosing one of his directors or his children, he decided to do something different. He called all the young executives in his company together.

“It is time for me to step down and choose the next CEO,” he said. “I have decided to choose one of you.”

The young executives were shocked, but the boss continued. “I am going to give each one of you a seed today – a very special seed. I want you to plant the seed, water it, and come back here one year from today with what you have grown from the seed I have given you. I will then judge the plants that you bring, and the one I choose will be the next CEO.”

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The Lord is my Rock

God doesn’t promise to eliminate chllenges; instead, he promises to give us strength to meet those challenges. If he gave us no rough roads to walk, no mountains to climb, and no battles to fight, We Would Not GROW.
He does not leave us alone with our challenges, however.
Instead He stands besides us, teaches us and STRENGTHENS us to face them…IMG_1593.PNG

22 Things God Taught Me by Age 22

Remain In Me

Hello, world! It’s my birthday! I felt inspired by the post, 28 Things God Has Revealed to Me Before the Age of 28!, I saw on the blog, Pursue Me, to share with you the twenty-two things God has taught me. I’ve written about some of these things before, but some of them are new. Enjoy!

  1. He loves me. No matter what I do, I know His loving arms will be open to me. (How He Loves Us)
  2. God can use anything to get your attention, especially in your brokenness.
  3. When we leave this earth, all of the worldly possessions will fade away. We leave it with nothing, so stop chasing after things that won’t matter. Chase the One who matters.

* Here’s one of my favorite verses I like to look at when I feel like I’m getting distracted by the world. “So we fix…

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How much more do I have to Take?

Women in the Waiting


How much more do I have to take? That would depend on what God has planned for your life. So many times we make the mistake of thinking that everything that goes perfectly smooth, has to be God. Other times we think that just because things are not going right, it can’t possibly be God. The only way to know what is or what is not what God is to know him and to know his word. You must have a relationship with him.

  1. The first step is to repent and believe that Jesus died for your sins and accept his gift of salvation.
  2. Then you must start learning who he is by reading his word, The Holy Bible.
  3. You must develop a relationship with him through prayer. Speak to him and listen for his response.
  4. The more you start learning his word, the more you will start changing how…

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Struggling & Christianity

Reagan the Recipe Hoarder

Today let’s talk about struggling as a Christian.

Sometimes it’s hard to keep your faith when you are struggling with things. It’s easy to say “Why me” & get angry with Him when life isn’t easy.

It’s hard to remember that He gives us challenges & tribulations in life to help us face our future as strong followers in our faith with a servant heart.

I’ve noticed a lot of people struggling lately, with day to day challenges & with their faith. So here are a few of the verses I go to when I find myself asking “why me?”

Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

2 Corinthians 12:9-10 “But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made…

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Being Single is a Choice, Not a Lack of Options

Real Talk w/Terry

GiveThanks_blogAs we approach the time of year where a lot of couples seem to get engaged and many singles tend to get depressed, I felt compelled to share on the topic of being single. Although I personally am not single, I’m approaching my 10 year wedding anniversary, I can however relate to perhaps every emotion a single adult has felt. From feeling utter disdain at this time of the year, to feeling jubilant at the carefreeness of life and options regarding holiday planning, to feeling indifferent regarding all the merriment.

terry411cato Relationships-411

I can remember a time during my season of singleness where I had to remind myself that my state of being single was not because there were not options for me – that if I really wanted to be in a relationship by all means I could be. I was single by choice because I was preparing myself for…

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Let us not be led by our feelings and emotions; lets be led by our Faith


More often than not we decide base on feelings and emotions on a certain situations that we are into.
We say yes to someone if we feel like doing so, we do things if we feel like doing so. We always make our conclusion base on what we feel, our instinct, or gut feel.
Having said that, we almost forget to consider weighing the pro’s and con’s of our decision and choices that we make. We are easily sway by the height of the moment that cascade by our feelings at the spur of the moment.
But most importantly, we forgot to ask ourselves whether this is something wrong or right? We forgot to ask ourselves whether do we have peace and contentment at the end of the day?
We can be happy on a certain decision but totally not having peace of mind along the way…and yet we can be unhappy temporarily but have a sense of peace and joyful heart once we allow God and his word to be in the big picture.
Easier said than done…as me myself already experienced first hand how to completely allow God to work within me, to be led by my faith, rather than to be led by my own emotions and feelings. (God’s grace and sovereign power, not my own works as it is a daily challenge I experienced everyday in this battle field called Life, and only God can empower and strengthen me to win).
I must say that feelings and emotions are indeed one the most challenging and difficult desire to control at times. There are moments that we just easily give-in and surrender to what we feel instead of us ruling over our feelings and emotions.

But once we start to surrender our trust to God, there are something powerful within us that makes us stronger and courageous that empower us to let go of our feelings, putting them behind and placing our faith in front of the door. (Bible views emotions positively and not something to be ignored. In fact the book in the bible-Song of Songs-is almost entirely given to the feeling of being in love. However, our emotions should not be the primary thing that drive us, now should they be the means by which determines the rightness of a decision because they too are capable of leading us to sin. It is the bible that we must and obey, not our own feelings…Christiniatynetau).
To base one’ faith on such feelings would be a disaster for anyone. One’s faith must be in the integrity of God.
“Do not rely on your own understanding, warns the scripture-Proverbs 3:5”
“There is a way that seems right but it leads to death, screams another verse-Proverbs 14:12”
We always need a precision of God’s word.

“The Danger of Emotional Living”
Emotional people make big mistakes when they base decisions on how they feel rather than obeying God and what they know is the right thing to do.
We have to learn how to live beyond our feelings and do what’s right even when we feel wrong…Joyce Meyer Org

Emotions won’t go away- we must learn how to manage them and not let them manage us.
Let our will to choose what’s right. And pray for God’s grace to give us the ability to do it…

Philippians 1:6 devotion

“That he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus”
The God who began a good work in us continues it throughout our lifetime and will finish it when we meet him face to face.
God’s work for us began when Christ died on the cross in our place. His work began when we first believed.
Now the Holy Spirit lives in us…enabling us to be more like Christ everyday.
“Paul is describing the process of Christian growth and maturity that began when we accepted Jesus and continues until Christ returns”…IMG_1527.PNG